

A Friends of Figma

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9:30 am

The design process is a lie

José Torre
Sr. Staff Product Designer
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There are a lot of different shapes that illustrate the ideal design process… circles, loops, diamonds, double diamonds, spirals, you name it. But once you transpose it to real life it doesn’t always pan out that smoothly. Real life is messy.

In this talk, José will start by showing how any framework can easily break apart, and conclude by shining a light on how we can circumvent that. He’ll reflect on how design isn’t really a linear process, and show okay to take detours and try new things. He’ll show us how “learning how to fall”, embracing experimentation and being open to change, can enable designers to create truly innovative solutions.

* Learn about factors that can disrupt your design process, such as having too little time or joining a project after it has already started.Recognise symptoms that indicate you're solving the wrong problem

* Realize that researching can only take you so far, and sometimes you only begin to understand the root of a problem once you start thinking about solutions.Understand that you should never get too attached to any one solution.

* Realize the power of trial and error, while also understanding that our work is never really done.

* Understand the limitations of iteration, because progress isn't always linear.Inspire designers to stop waiting for progress to happen to them and instead make it happen themselves.